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SwaggTalk100 Updates # 5

March 1, 2010

Greetings to everybody

Ok this update is to retouch some of our previous updates, as usual we want to let our views know whats going on with the blog. Thanks again for stopping it really is uplifting to see not only the comments, but of course the following we are creating not to mention i`ve been excited viewing your blogs as well. Bellow are some topics and issues we covered in the one update posts.

1.)The blog itself: We are still weighting our options when it comes to moving to our “own” server apart from this
I do have another blog which was created a few years ago, it started out small and has grown a bit, however decided to host it with lunarpages, so when it comes to moving i`m not to keen on that whole deal.
Any advice or suggestions regarding moving to your own server feel free to chime in when you get time to probably make our move a smooth one as possible

2.) The SwaggTalk team: Now when it comes to a team we are suppose to work together that is the idea of team right? Well unfortunately some of our “team” has been just to busy to attend to this itsy bitsy blog, although people have asked via comments and replies where is so and so?, That is a good question which i`ll answer.

Webmaster: Has currently been doing a bit of OT at work meaning when he gets home at 1am its beady by for him, so he does’nt get to stop by as much, ut thats about to change soon (hopefully) we will just have to see now want me.

Webmini: Currently caught up with schoolwork and baby sitting, she has’nt even came by to introduce her littleself although she is a bit shy, which is no excuse at all for being tardy to your spot with swaggtalk100, perhaps we will seek out another teen blogger, currently i`ve been shopping on various teen hotspots for a blogger that can fill her shoess, if you think this is you feel free to contact us by leaving a comment and a link to your blog.

SwaggTalk100: Between work, family life and friends, he has just be a ll to busy for us here or at least it has seemed like that, so i`ll take it upon myself to apologize to those whom felt as if their comments or questions were being ignored. He is all over the place, fret not you will see more of him in the near near future…its a promise!

Webmsitress: The parent of the blog, webnanny sounds more like it, stuck changing internet diapers, feeding hungry viewers, spanking spammers and teaching the uninspired to be all that they can be, not to be shy and to step it up. My job is to jump in there and take care of the internet mess when needed, however a few members have gotten a bit to ”comfortable” with that idea.

any comments, questions or concerns feel free to leave them at your convience as always thanks for visiting dont forget to rate your favorite post.

21 Comments leave one →
  1. April 29, 2010 11:38 pm

    Thanks Janine, where you been girlfriend? yeah no doubt we try to keep everybody updated on whats what, the fellas swaggtalk100 and webmaster will be doing it too, days u dont see me give them a shout or ask any questions you would like.

  2. Janine permalink
    April 29, 2010 1:07 pm

    Updating your peers is a proper way to handle things, way to go and congrats on all future adventures, hopefully they will lead your group down the right avenue to success.

  3. March 19, 2010 5:52 pm

    TY Brooke you’ve been extremely helpful offline, we appreciate it. The update posts will be around for awhile, by all means if i`m not online for some reason dont hesitate to ask swaggtalk100 or webmaster any questions. There should be an update post once a month to inform you all of errors, changes and so forth. We are all caught till Jun at which time swaggtalk100 or webmaster will be in charge of update posts.

  4. Brooke permalink
    March 18, 2010 12:03 pm

    Webmistress you provide alot of substance here, update posts to inform your viewers of glitches and sorts is a excellent idea. This alone makes me want to come back numerous times, how can one help out in the event you guys get swamped or if we wish to make a suggestion?

  5. March 16, 2010 8:33 am

    Thanks Heaven your the man, we been down for each other since day one almost and its always a pleasure to see you post up here, i`ve been busy with school, home and a few other projects in the works, it gets touch specially when it seems like i`m pulling all the strings not to mention we have had several set backs within a months time, they say all great things must face a struggle before being completed. Got to have those partners hold you down because every member of a team plays a vital part…if their not in sync then the game does’nt get played properly….no win…failed!

    we aint have’nt that, as long as everybody works “equally” hard its all good

  6. March 15, 2010 10:28 pm

    Well u neeed loyalty i am going through the same thing its just me and my partner the bklyn bandette she is my savior . i am busy with my tv shows n stuff and she is holding me down. i need about 3 more bklyn bandetts lol. but i feel u i hope u get everything set hey whuts ur other blog site

  7. March 15, 2010 8:20 pm

    new topics are coming this week as well as my thumbnail change, get use to seeing it

  8. Fplfstr1 permalink
    March 8, 2010 7:08 pm

    webmaster keep handling ya business on here dog – webmistress you on the map uptown/downtown style!

  9. March 5, 2010 11:23 am

    There he is 1/4 of the crew, glad you made it back homie thanks for the good words of encouragement as well, yep in 2010 we are about to blow up we got some new idea’s lined to wow & amaze our viewers even ourselves.

    Creativity is what we are focused on currently so any of you viewers if you have something you want to see here let us know

    thanks for the support and dont stop giving it!

  10. March 4, 2010 11:28 pm

    hi guys! this ya dude swaggtalk100….first i wanna give a shout out to my parter webmistress for holding this blog down while some of us take care of some other business. but hey, im back and we are gonna continue to take this blog to where we want it to go. i spoke to the rest of the team and they’ll be back within a week or two.

    now, who is ed wilson?? from what i see and read…ed wilson is the bomb. she has a very nice, interesting blog of her own..and i thank her for checking us out and giving us some good advice..especially the pointers that she’s giving to webmistress.
    thanks to everyone that comes to the blog and give their input on our topics.

    ay partner…you’re gonna do great…you know im riding witcha.

  11. March 4, 2010 7:31 pm

    Love all the tips and encouraging words your me giving also I can tell your literally passionate about writing, it almost seems to flow out of you meaning its from deep within as in a natural sense. Rejection would have to be the hardest part, putting all that effort, blood, sweat and tears into something only to have people constantly shut you down.

    They say all you have to do is get one person to say yes, however thats easier said than done. Currently i`m brushing up on my wriiting skills especially my grammar (eck) a book i`m reading on writing is Author 101 best selling nonfiction by Rick Frishman and Robyn Freedman Spizman hopefully this will give me something to work with as well.

    its all new to me, but I do like a good challenge…sometimes!

  12. March 4, 2010 4:42 pm

    Well, hey sometimes you only need one hit success, think of Lauryn Hill. One album and she’s still one of the best R&B artists of all time. The toughest part about being a writer is dealing with the constant rejection. I don’t say that in a vie for pity or a “woe is me” sort of thing, but I’m saying that’s the reality.

    I speak with writers all the time on forums and that’s the one bit that sticks out. That’s cool that you already have someone interested in seeing what your autobiography is all about. The secret to writing a novel is…you have to *write* it. That’s the toughest step for most beginning writers. The novel doesn’t have to be perfect out of the gate. In fact, in almost all cases, it won’t be. But that’s okay because the real writing begins when you revise.

    Let me tell you, revising is such a pain in the kisser. I have nearly every grammar/editing manual under the friggin’ moon.

    But it all starts with an idea and the rest is up to you to make it become a reality.


  13. March 4, 2010 3:40 pm

    Thanks Ed (all postive words lead to positive actions) well actually i`ve thought about doing my autobiography, over the years i`ve had so much to say, now is the time to put it in ink. Dorrance publishing has gotten back so i`ll be sending them my 250 word/25 chapter synopsis to look over.

    Being a up and coming blogger (have a long way to go) has challenged my inner thoughts and fueling my desire to just let go and free my mind. Definately dont wanting to be a famous author nor would I be interested in doing more than one book, even with own experiences wanting to write them down AND display them to the world is one thing, BUT actually doing it and figuring out exact “how to” is another story all together.

    When it comes to where we would like this blog to go is a good question, personally i’de like to see it go main stream to be one of the places everybody comes to to voice their opinions, look up things and just enjoy being on it constantly, we’d consider it to be our online “club” think Starbucks…Project Runway…BET and MTV combined.

  14. March 4, 2010 2:34 pm

    Really? That’s great news Webmistress27!

    Then we can both be struggling artists! What are you interested in writing about?

    As far as the blog, I think before considering making the move to hosting. You should consider where you want the blog to go. I know it’s enticing to expand and start anew, but sometimes I wish I waited a little more before deciding to go “rogue” so to speak, heh.

    I feel like now that I have a blog, even though it’s a great experience, I have to post (I didn’t pay those hosting fees for nothing lol!). I forgot how busy I was with my own writing. Then having to write interesting content can be killer, but I love having reoccurring readers and I love going to “blogger forums” where bloggers can discuss the real side of blogging.


  15. March 4, 2010 2:23 pm

    We may be a team, but i`m the one pulling all the strings (75% of the time) which can be a burden alot actually we are all a bit at odds right now, nothing major just a few team members behaving badly.

    This blog started out a something fun “just to do” then the more that people shared on their blogs the more interested i`ve gotten in regards to blogging as awhole.

    Reading everybody else’s blog is equally enjoyable as you all coming here to view ours not to mention i`ve been brushing up on my writing skills and currently seriously pondering becoming an author.

  16. March 4, 2010 1:53 pm

    I’m completely in agreement with hibiscusjuane. Being the only person to create articles can be mind numbing sometimes. You have to be your own copyeditor, researcher, and maintenance technician. I like blogging, but that’s the only thing that’s killer right now. Plus, I’m working on a second manuscript for publication and needs an equal amount of attention.

    What’s great about a group is that content can be on going and you can all help sort through any errata littered in your posts.

    Argh! *headexplodes* I’ll manage.

  17. March 3, 2010 9:19 pm

    I agree SEO can be time-consuming. I like the post because we get to know what the whole team is up to. I am the only writer on my blog. How do you coordinate your effort and agree on the topics? Challenging?

    • March 4, 2010 9:28 am

      Hey here thanks for returning, yes it is good to get to know the team and vice versa, there will be switchout soon, a few of the others have been really busy lately which is why you see more of me than anybody currently, i`ve told the guys people have been asking about them.

      With post topics we go with the flow of things mostly going by whats popular, visited and searched the most on the site that way we can put something out that others are actually looking forward to. Its not really a challenge as much as actually getting together to brainstorm and follow through with things we came up with.

  18. Fplfstr1 permalink
    March 2, 2010 12:49 pm

    Told yall peeps to put Flip on with the team, my homegirl is holding biz down on this site, u always been the type to get things done ma.

  19. March 2, 2010 2:28 am

    I’ll tell you things has changed from several years ago all these different plug-ins, files, upgrdes and such its almost a bit daunting, use to be able to have minimal knowledge to get things rolling in the right direction, now a days you MUST have maximum knowledge to even get it half way there. Your A-game needs to be on point when it comes to alot of this even with small stuff.

    Watching your cyber baby grow is wonderful indeed, which takes proper planning, know how, patience, time amongst other things. Almost ready to throw in the towel on it in recent weeks we’ve had more than a few setbacks which all just makes me wonder should we move forward with this or do we click dashboard and delete the whole entire thing??

    Going at it “alone” gives you that feeling of control, that rush of being free of strings, however those feeling are overshadowed by unreliable sources, challenges as well as ust stress of having to go at it alone. A few days ago had thoughts of just walking away from it, alas i`m not one to walk away though so i`ll try to hang in there with it.

    just a mini rant on the matter lol, we all have to let loose at times if not you will go bonkers, the thing that keeps me going at is is that we have a few fans who like what we put out there, as was explained to the rest of the team yesterday. Very uplifting feeling to know we’ve developed something as a team, that others actually like and seem to be loving.

    thats what really matter after all

  20. March 1, 2010 6:16 pm

    So you’re thinking about hittn’ the road, are ya?

    Well, trust me. When I made the big jump it was stressful, from finding a hosting service to trying to maintain all of the posts/comments that I received while blogging on Very few websites (I don’t care how much you google) will tell you straight forward how to move from to a new hosting server.

    Things to Ponder


    Now, I think what you should know is that moving does change your search engine optimization ranking (SEO) and that’s really a pain in the ass! However, if you guys have a large following (and it seems like you do) then you can definitely make the jump and have a “safe landing” so to speak.


    First you have to hunt down which hosting service fits your needs (or is the cheapest). Here’s a link to’s suggested hosting services. I used, but if I could make a change I would go to Hostgator. Bluehost forces you to pay an annual hosting fee all at once. But I do like how customer service is always available (if you have to make any 4am calls) and I had used their highly convenient “auto-install” feature. Now let’s get to domains.


    Next thing to think about. Where did you purchase your domain? If you purchased it with then you might be SoL for 60 days until you can move it to the hosting server of your choice. If you did buy your domain form they have a “domain mapping” service so when visitors drop by they’ll be immediately redirected to your new site.

    Let me reiterate…for the LOVE OF JEEBUS DON’T google how to move your blog to It seems like there is a slew of incomprehensible information. Most of the “how tos” ramble in tech-speak until you’re dizzy. Go to this link:

    To get you started.

    I hope this helped. I hated moving HATED it, but I like that *I* control my blog and that I can add advertisements as well.

    Anyways, thanks for the e-mail and I hope everything goes well.


    -Ed Wilson

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